Sunday, May 29, 2011


U2 360
"with or without you"
one love
<~my sister . . . . me~>

Monday, May 16, 2011


Long awaited tickets... notice the date. we waited a year.

searching for the light...

Monday, May 9, 2011


It was a busy week full of lots of emotions. 

Felling like I'm fading fast.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


if i had to choose one word to describe my week, it would be "off". does this ever happen to you? seriously!?!? it was a good week, a productive week, however it has been slightly off... kind of like i am missing something but not really! the weather continues to be bipolar-one moment the sun is shining, then the sun is shining with snow flurries, then the black clouds roll in leaving a blanket of snow as they depart-repeated every hour. the chill in the air is damp, and i continue to wait for warmer days.
these are two of my favorite things... sunshine and daisy's
reminding myself to stop and just enjoy the moment

Saturday, April 23, 2011


a week filled of trying to recover...

my doctor pointed out to me that April is the month I tend to get sick. CHECK! on the up side of things I have that crossed off and now (hopefully) do not have to worry about it until next year :)

i bought myself some daisy's to help me a long my road to recovery.

in my simple abundance day book there was focus on aroma therapy... i accepted i'm going to have to wait on this :) until the mucus monsters decide to vacate my nasal cavity!

the end of the week was better... i was able to color eggs with the boys (syd had to work). we made little monsters :) with wiggly eyes (max vocalized this and used his body to explain how it looked to him lol)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


what gives us hope? 
for me, hope comes in the form of a ray of sunshine ~ sneaking through grey clouds. hope is waking up knowing you will make a difference today! hope is believing it will get better. hope is reassurance~a warm blanket~string around your finger reminding you the rough patch is temporary and kinder roads are ahead.

my first week back from a two week vacation (stay-cation). it was fun getting back into the groove of things, i had people say i was "glowing" or "radiant" (makes ya feel good). i guess it shows on the outside, when you are in a good place on the inside (mentally~spiritually). i've found center, it has been a long time since i stood here. i am drawing a map on how to get back to this place :) so if i become lost again, i'll have a guide. and then change enters into my little word. i am trying to ride the wave of "now", embracing all that is present. reminding myself EVERYTHING is temporary... :) well it is! lol

Saturday, April 9, 2011


calling mother nature...
hey ma, mony here
thank you for the many rays of sunshine in between jack frosts temper tantrums! i guess boys will be boys :) we have had snow storms all this week - typical spring weather. i am waiting as patiently as i can for warmer days.
<3 me

on my little stay-cation i was able to scratch five things off the list. i'm feeling rather accomplished :) i also have come to the conclusion i am an organized mess (yes i realize this is an oxymoron, however it is the ugly truth).
energy... i am working on influencing mine. accepting the fact, my energy level is changing with age (along with my perception of reality). i am willing myself to look up, to move forward, to dis-guard the many things which are holding me down~back. looking in the "mirror" and "being kind". continuing to be satisfied with authentic efforts, and urging regret out of the "picture".

Saturday, April 2, 2011


look what i made!!!
for it being my stay-cation i have been busy busy busy! i put sunshine in my bathroom (the color is "sunbeam") AND i put in new light fixtures =) 
operation powder-room face lift is complete! 

my frame of mind... color is good

Saturday, March 26, 2011


focus... since the first of the year i've been focusing on so much, things became sorta blurry. past. present. future. did you know your brain can only focus from 3 to 5 minutes per year of age, to a maximum of around 20 minutes... squirrel! after my 365 i have laid low. at least publicly. i have been journaling lots. i never leave the house without my camera. my thoughts have been my own. it takes a lot for me to expose and share. my little projects are for growth. to help me to find my fearless side. 

the view from here... i know the prompt was intended for showing signs of spring. however, my views from here have little to do with the season... or at least the weather. maybe its because the snow continues to fall, and the temperature has not risen. maybe its because my focus is askew or it could just be my line of sight.

its time. time "to get back on the horse". time to push through the fear. time to expose my private little world so i can continue the adventure. another chapter. in my simple abundance journey, i was given a prompt... take a bath by candle light. appreciate my unique beauty. right now. in that moment. i found myself looking with my eyes closed. my feet~the miles and years of moving~standing, walking, running, pressing the accelerator, applying the breaks. my knees~holding me up, bending in prayer. i went through each and every part of my body ending with all the grey hairs on my head... i encourage everyone to experience this. i stopped worrying about the 15 pounds i've gained. the lines. the gravity pulled skin. i appreciated ME, and all the moments that lead up to the current place in time.