Saturday, March 26, 2011


focus... since the first of the year i've been focusing on so much, things became sorta blurry. past. present. future. did you know your brain can only focus from 3 to 5 minutes per year of age, to a maximum of around 20 minutes... squirrel! after my 365 i have laid low. at least publicly. i have been journaling lots. i never leave the house without my camera. my thoughts have been my own. it takes a lot for me to expose and share. my little projects are for growth. to help me to find my fearless side. 

the view from here... i know the prompt was intended for showing signs of spring. however, my views from here have little to do with the season... or at least the weather. maybe its because the snow continues to fall, and the temperature has not risen. maybe its because my focus is askew or it could just be my line of sight.

its time. time "to get back on the horse". time to push through the fear. time to expose my private little world so i can continue the adventure. another chapter. in my simple abundance journey, i was given a prompt... take a bath by candle light. appreciate my unique beauty. right now. in that moment. i found myself looking with my eyes closed. my feet~the miles and years of moving~standing, walking, running, pressing the accelerator, applying the breaks. my knees~holding me up, bending in prayer. i went through each and every part of my body ending with all the grey hairs on my head... i encourage everyone to experience this. i stopped worrying about the 15 pounds i've gained. the lines. the gravity pulled skin. i appreciated ME, and all the moments that lead up to the current place in time.